
1stdibs Seller & Maker Profiles

Seller and Maker profiles on 1stdibs showcasing their inventory

 Each seller on 1stdibs can create their own profile on 1stdibs for consumers to browse their inventory. Although consumers are purchasing their items through 1stdibs and not through the seller directly, if they have a particular seller that they had

Each seller on 1stdibs can create their own profile on 1stdibs for consumers to browse their inventory. Although consumers are purchasing their items through 1stdibs and not through the seller directly, if they have a particular seller that they had a good experience with they can follow them and view more of their products. The profiles also give sellers a chance to show off their reputation as well.



This tab includes seller “about me”, Featured Pieces of their choice, and optional photography of things like store interiors, or process of creating furniture if they’re also a maker.

Navigating the Seller Page

Navigating the Seller Page

Most recently, as you browse the seller page, you can also check out seller star ratings as well. Maintaining a good reputation is something our sellers really care about, and of course the added security of purchasing from a reputable seller is always going to help.

As you browse the seller profile, you can also view featured articles on the seller to learn more about their work. This example shows an Introspective (1stdibs’ digital and print magazine) feature on the seller.



This tab is entirely inventory and is basically like being on a search + browse page but only for that particular seller.